Maybe you ate Beef Pho or Chicken Pho before. But have you ever tasted Vietnamese Fish Pho (Phở Cá)? It is also comes from many spectacular Vietnamese Pho Recipes. When you hear or visit Vietnam, the first food you will remember is Pho. You cannot say that you were in Vietnam if you still did not eat this amazing food. However, if you still have not a chance to visit here, you also can cook it at home, especially in weekends. I bet your beloved family will love it.
Vietnamese Fish Pho (Phở Cá)
Like many other Vietnamese Pho Recipes, Fish Pho requires much time for cooking, especially broth. But you will have a delicious meal for yourself and family. So, are you ready to cook this stuning dish? If you want, please follow our instructions below carefully.
1kg Fish (I suggest you should use Snake Head Fish)
2 kg Pork bone
30-50g sliced ginger
1-3 onions, peeled and grilled
1 star anise, grilled or roasted.
1-2 cardamom, baked or roasted
5 whole cloves
1 cinnamon stick long-range 10-15cm.
Yellow rock sugar (Đường Phèn)
Spices: Salt, sugar, pepper, chili, fish sauce, lemon fruit
500gr Pho Noodle.
Black Sauce (Soybean sauce), chili sauce – Buy at Vietnamese Markets
Vegetables: bean sprout, basil, rice paddy, saw leaf herb – You can buy at Vietnamese Markets. (If you not make sure, you can ask them which vegetables for using with Pho, they will help), cleaned.
1kg Fish (I suggest you should use Snake Head Fish)
2 kg Pork bone
30-50g sliced ginger
1-3 onions, peeled and grilled
1 star anise, grilled or roasted.
1-2 cardamom, baked or roasted
5 whole cloves
1 cinnamon stick long-range 10-15cm.
Yellow rock sugar (Đường Phèn)
Spices: Salt, sugar, pepper, chili, fish sauce, lemon fruit
500gr Pho Noodle.
Black Sauce (Soybean sauce), chili sauce – Buy at Vietnamese Markets
Vegetables: bean sprout, basil, rice paddy, saw leaf herb – You can buy at Vietnamese Markets. (If you not make sure, you can ask them which vegetables for using with Pho, they will help), cleaned.
Step 1: Clean pork bone with water added a little salt in 2 – 3 times. Bring to cook with 2 liters water. Wait to boil. Sometimes you use spoon to scoop out dirty bubble to make the broth more clear and look delicious. Cook about 2 – 3 hours. If water is nearly out, pour more. I suggest do not cover the pot when cooking one of amazing Vietnamese Pho Recipes like this dish.
Step 1: Clean pork bone with water added a little salt in 2 – 3 times. Bring to cook with 2 liters water. Wait to boil. Sometimes you use spoon to scoop out dirty bubble to make the broth more clear and look delicious. Cook about 2 – 3 hours. If water is nearly out, pour more. I suggest do not cover the pot when cooking one of amazing Vietnamese Pho Recipes like this dish.
View more here Vietnamese Fish Pho Recipe (Phở Cá)
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