You love Asian Cuisine, especially Vietnamese Food? As you may know, rice is always the main ingredient for many dishes. Today, I will show one of amazing Vietnamese Food Recipes for all you guys. With a little changing in decoration, Fried Egg with Boiled Rice (Cơm Trứng Rán) is really eye catching. Moreover, its flavor will make you cannot stop eating.
Fried Egg with Boiled Rice (Cơm Trứng Rán)
You only need boiled rice, fried egg and meat balls and you can create one of stunning Vietnamese Food Recipes with us. So, if you want to change your boring daily meal, I think here is a good choice. Please follow carefully our instructions below and let us start cooking right now.
3 Eggs
2 bowls boiled Rice
Spring onion, onion
1 Carrot
250gr Grinded pork
1 – 2 tablespoons Ketchup.
Step 1: Firstly, peel of the cover of carrot, clean and slice small carrot. Mince spring onion and add into eggs, stir well with a little salt.
Step 2: Fry egg with a little oil o make sure it will not be stuck on the bottom of pan.
3 Eggs
2 bowls boiled Rice
Spring onion, onion
1 Carrot
250gr Grinded pork
1 – 2 tablespoons Ketchup.
Step 1: Firstly, peel of the cover of carrot, clean and slice small carrot. Mince spring onion and add into eggs, stir well with a little salt.
Step 2: Fry egg with a little oil o make sure it will not be stuck on the bottom of pan.
Step 3: Wait to get cool, cut fried egg into long parts as photo below (5cm).
Click Fried Egg with Boiled Rice Recipe (Cơm Trứng Rán) to see more
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