For the long time, Pho has been a popular food in Vietnam. In recent year, there is a different style of Pho in capital of Vietnam. It is rolled Pho and it quickly becomes another style Vietnamese Food Pho. When you visit my country, beside of traditional Pho, you should try this dish at least once time and you will not regret.

Rolled Pho - Pho Cuon
The story of this new style is so interesting. There was one street vendor at the corner of Ngu Xa and Nguyen Khac Hieu Street in Ha Noi which providing traditional Vietnamese Food Pho for the diner who watching the football lately. In one day, the broths run out and there were some little noodles and to satisfy the requirement of the customer, the host invented a new food. He pressed the noodles like the rice paper roll and then added the beef into the roll with herbs. Surprisingly, the visitors interested in this new food. After that, the shop changed to new style of Pho.

Rolled Pho - Pho Cuon
According to some elders in NguXa village, there were some families selling this rolled Pho just for local market, it was simple and cheap. In 5 years recent, rolled Pho has become a special choice of Hanoi citizens. There has been some luxury restaurants selling it and the visitors come there more frequently. The restaurants also provide some Vietnamese Food Pho for the customers like fried Pho, fried Pho with eggs, noodles, chips, mixed Pho, but they always choose rolled Pho as the first meal.

Rolled Pho - Pho Cuon
See more here Rolled Pho (Pho Cuon)
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