Hi everyone, today I will perform to you one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes. It is Fried Fresh Corn with Butter and Dried Shrimps (Bap Xao). This dish is totally popular in Vietnam, you can be easy to find where selling this dish. Mostly, you can buy from the vendors on the pavements near school and parks. The combination between butter, corn and slated shrimp, bring you the attraction flavor, the strange taste but strongly delicious.

Fried Fresh Corn with Butter and Dried Shrimps (Bap Xao).
If you want to change your snack meal for your family and friends, I suggest you should cook one of Easy Vietnamese Recipes like this dish. There have 4 simple steps, follow it carefully and you will make an amazing dish. Why not to try cooking this dish. Do it right now
3 - 4 fresh corns
2 tablespoons dried shrimps (Soak into cold water about 10 minutes, clean and wait to dry)
2 tablespoons spring onion (depending on your preference)
1 tablespoon butter
Vegetable Oil, sugar, salt, MSG.
Step 1: Preparation: Washed fresh corn, seperate all the corn seeds from core. Soak corn seeds about 3-5 minutes in boiling water to be easy to fry. Washed spring onion, and slice smallIngredients:
3 - 4 fresh corns
2 tablespoons dried shrimps (Soak into cold water about 10 minutes, clean and wait to dry)
2 tablespoons spring onion (depending on your preference)
1 tablespoon butter
Vegetable Oil, sugar, salt, MSG.
View more steps here Fried Fresh Corn with Butter and Dried Shrimp Recipe (Bap Xao)
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