The recipe today will introduce is Snail Vermicelli Soup, this is one of wonderful dish fromVietnamese Noodle Recipes. This recipe is the most likely in Vietnam. You should not miss this dish if you love noodle.
Even, this recipe quite complex, you can make it if you follow careful 7 steps below. Now, we will begin with ingredients of this recipe which is one of amazing Vietnamese Noodle Recipes. Follow us.
- 2kg snail
- 300g of bone tube
- 2 tofu
- 2 tomatoes
- 2 green bananas
- 3 dried onion
- Scallion, perilla, vegetables, ginger
- Fish sauce, spices, shrimp paste, chillies, MSG, turmeric powder, grease, vinegar
Step 1:
Snail soaked and washed, then boiled with a few grains of salt. When snail cooked, bring the snail out of broth, filtered the broth. Separate the meat out of snail covers. Wash the snail meat with lemon juice. Marinate the meat with 2 teaspoons of fish sauce, some spices, turmeric powder, chopped ginger and grease. Wait for 15 minutes.
- 2kg snail
- 300g of bone tube
- 2 tofu
- 2 tomatoes
- 2 green bananas
- 3 dried onion
- Scallion, perilla, vegetables, ginger
- Fish sauce, spices, shrimp paste, chillies, MSG, turmeric powder, grease, vinegar
Step 1:
Snail soaked and washed, then boiled with a few grains of salt. When snail cooked, bring the snail out of broth, filtered the broth. Separate the meat out of snail covers. Wash the snail meat with lemon juice. Marinate the meat with 2 teaspoons of fish sauce, some spices, turmeric powder, chopped ginger and grease. Wait for 15 minutes.
Step 2:
Boil the bone tube to get the broth. Then, thinly slice tofu. Fry the tofu to become gold. Dried onion is chopped. After that, wash scallion and perilla, then slice them together.
Boil the bone tube to get the broth. Then, thinly slice tofu. Fry the tofu to become gold. Dried onion is chopped. After that, wash scallion and perilla, then slice them together.
Step 3,4,5,6 and 7 are available, feel free to join oure website Snail Vermicelli Soup Recipe (Bun Oc)
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